"Nothing to hide"

Cargo Trading
Cargoes Trading is primary to all businesses amongst the supply chain, and of course, it is something that won’t be overlooked by us.
With over 20 years of experience combined amongst our chartering team, we are one of the fastest growing companies within the bulkers chartering market.
Shipping Logistics
To connect different sectors of the shipping supply chain, we started our business as a shipping logistics company, transporting cargoes all over the World.
Supplies & Services
We are proud to announce our launch of supply business development department in early 2018 in order to explore more about the chain.

Why partnering with us?

To make the Buriskey name synonymous with reliability, trust and professionalism is always our initial and unchangeable commitment.

In consideration of increasingly robust demands of emerging markets; i.e. Far-Eastern regions, the focus remains on our ability to provide the customers we serve with an effective logistics solution. To ship bulk commodities and semi-processed products to their destination in a safe and reliable manner.

Make sure our customers "Get exactly what you want from us".

Main Liner Service

  • Logs from Papua New Guinea, Solomon and Malaysia
  • Logs from New Zealand and Australia
  • Logs from West African countries
  • General and steels products from China and Fareast region to South Pacific and Africa
  • Minerals from Africa to Fareast
  • General and steel products from India and SEA countries

2 Ganglong Road Zhongshan District Dalian Liaoning



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